
Google Update: Mobile-friendly labels are no more

Removal of the Mobile-friendly label update will not affect the ranking of websites, as well as the ranking signal. 

Yes, Of course! This is the common goal for all the businesses who want to generate traffic, achieve lead conversion, and build a strong brand image for the company.

Now, achieving the top ranking isn’t enough. You’ll have to maintain the ranking in the first page. 

Here are some of the common ways you’ll implement to achieve your ranking:

  • Update your site, 
  • Improve site loading speed,
  • Expand your link building,
  • Outbound and internal links,
  • Build your social media presence.

But, the most important factor for both Ranking the website as well as the Maintaining the Ranking is to,Update the website whenever there is an update in the Google Search Engine algorithm.

The latest Google update for mobile from Tuesday, August 23, 2016:

"Removal of ‘Mobile-friendly’ label in the search results"

But what is Mobile-friendly label?

2 years back on November 18,2014, Google announced  “Mobile-friendly” labels.

This Google is a Google blog image which shows the "Mobile Friendly"  label 

Why this change?

Nowadays, nearly 80% of the websites are mobile friendly. And on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Google has decided to remove the label, in spite of the fact that the mobile-friendly criteria will continue to be a ranking signal.

According to this update, when a user searches for a query, he will receive the best answer, irrespective of the device he uses (whether Desktop, Mobile or Tablet).

With the removal of the Mobile-friendly label, Google ensures that the mobile search result shows the best results.

Another good news is that Google continues to provide the Mobile Usability Report in the Search Console and the Mobile-friendly Test to help webmasters test the effect of the mobile-friendly factor for their website.
This helps for both who wish to achieve first-page rankings and those who want to maintain the ranking.


Hi there! I’m Balamurali, a professional-blogger from India. I started this Blog as a passion and now it's empowering more than 432,000+ readers globally and helping with this blog.

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